Friday, May 21, 2010

James Franco Is Summit's Ricky Stanicky/Jeff Bushell/The Hangover/Beverly Hills Chihuahua/ Eat Pray Love

James Franco is a funny guy. How funny, you ask? Funny enough to jump from Spider-Man movies to stoner movies to soap opera's and, finally, back to comedies. Somehow he makes it all work, but don't ask me to explain. He'll next appear in August's Eat Pray Love, followed by October's Your Highness before shooting Ricky Stanicky, a new film from the mind of Beverly Hills Chihuahua screenwriter Jeff Bushell.

The story, which aims to be R-rated, is described as an ensemble comedy in the vein of The Hangover, and begins when three teens pull a prank and burn down a house in their neighborhood. They create a fake person to take the blame -- Ricky Stanicky did it! Twenty years later, we see that the three guys have been using this alibi to get out of every uncomfortable situation in life. When their wives force them to set up a meeting with Stanicky, they hire an actor (Franco).

Anything from the writer of Beverly Hills Chihuahua should be treated with caution, but Franco can do no wrong in my book. I've always enjoyed his dramatic work, but I feel that he's at his best making audiences choke from laughter - a job that he gets better at with each new role. Surrounded by other competent comedic actors, this one could be winner.

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