Sunday, May 9, 2010

Lisa Kudrow traces Ellen DeGeneres's roots/Friends

Lisa Kudrow of FRIENDS fame is also the brains behind popular US television show 'Who do you think you are?', a show that traces the family roots of various people. Lisa, who was due to make an appearance on Ellen DeGeneres talk show, did her homework when she heard that Ellen once mentioned she believed she was related to Pop Queen Madonna! Ellen had not taken the time to find out if there was any truth in it, and was pretty shocked when Lisa came out with the details!

"You're 11th cousins with Madonna. What you share is your 10th great grandfather, his name was Martin Aucoin, from France... He had two daughters, Jean... That's your side. And another daughter, Michelle, and that gave rise to Madonna's side, and they moved to Canada. Then your fifth great grandfather... he's the one who moved the family to Louisiana in the late 1700s," explained Lisa. "That's pretty far back, that's pretty amazing," said an obviously stunned Ellen!

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