Friday, May 21, 2010

What happend to Swapnamaalika?/Mohanlal/K A Devaraj/Suresh Babu/Italian actress Ileana

Most of us would remember ‘Swapnamaalika’ as a project that was launched three years ago, that held immense promise. The most important reason for this was that the film had a story by Mohanlal, that was scripted together by the film’s director K A Devaraj and Suresh Babu. Not much was heard about the film after the initial schedule that was shot at Varanasi. Mohanlal and Italian actress Ileana took part in the shoot. Three years later the film is fast getting readied for release. Apparently major differences of opinion had occurred between the director and the leading star, that has led to the director chopping off Mohanlal’s role midway through the film. The film would now have Mohanlal’s character Dr. Appu Nair being killed in a bomb blast at Varanasi. Naturally upset with these developments and the way the story itself has been changed, Mohanlal and the scriptwriter Suresh Babu are reportedly planning to take legal action against the director. The director on the other hand has a different story to tell. He says that Mohanlal had refused to cooperate with the film shooting, on account of his remuneration. Since he could not afford to keep the film in the cans any longer, the director says that he moved ahead with the only option that he had. Whatever be the reason, ‘Swapnamaalika’ seems to have been built the wrong way. We need to wait for the film to get released to see what has actually happened to this dream mansion.

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