Saturday, June 12, 2010

Dania Ramirez Joins Premium Rush/David Koepp/Joseph Gordon-Levitt

Premium Rush, the upcoming movie from David Koepp (the director of the underrated Secret Window, and the screenwriter behind Jurassic Park and Spider-Man… but also, sadly, Indiana Jones and the Kingdom of the Crystal Skull), has picked up Dania Ramirez (Heroes) to star opposite Joseph Gordon-Levitt in the action-thriller. Variety reports that Premium Rush will follow a New York bike messenger (Gordon-Levitt) who is pursued all over the city by a dirty cop after he retrieves a package from Columbia University. (I assume there is more to the plot than just this synopsis, but that's all we have for you for now.)

Ramirez is probably best known for her work in sci-fi roles like Callisto in X-Men: The Last Stand and Maya in Heroes (as well as small parts in Buffy and 2005's Quarantine), but she's also no stranger to New York City-based film-making, with a starring role in the just-wrapped Brooklyn to Manhattan, which also involves plenty of running around New York City (this time in Brooklyn's subway tunnels). So I'll assume that she's in good enough shape to keep pace with messenger-boy Gordon-Levitt and his bicycle.

Production on Premium Rush is slated to begin this summer on location in New York City. Columbia Pictures will release the film, co-written by John Kamps, some time next year.

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