Saturday, June 19, 2010

View Movie Downloads Like Movie Hit American History X

By Rene Nash

You likely don't need a lengthy explanation of what this article is actually about. The content here will serve to properly introduce you to one of the most impressive films of all of the 1990s, "American History X". You should learn a few different things about this film to fully appreciate it as it was meant to be appreciated, and most of this prevalent information will be contained within the upcoming paragraphs.

This movie was not based on real events, as some people seem to think that it was. Though, the course that the film takes might not be all that unlike what others might have experienced in their own lives. This is a reflection about how we can be led so strongly to believe something that we later cannot believe in anymore through the introduction of circumstances beyond our control.

The movie starts rolling by introducing you to Danny Vinyard, who is still in high school. After getting in some trouble over having written a history paper on a white supremacist, he is told to write a paper on his brother Derek. Derek is Danny's older brother and he is, for all intents and purposes, the main character of the piece.

Shortly there later, you learn about Derek's position in the community. He represents a very strong gang of white supremacists, and he is their fearless leader. This really takes root very early in Derek's life, when he sees his father attempting to put out a fire to save lives, and he is gunned down by a black drug dealer right in front of Derek. A man takes Derek under his wing, and guides him in the knowledge and path of white supremacy. So Derek formed his gang, and they were all too eager to be under his leadership.

You learn that Derek is in jail, and see a visual depiction of what landed him there. Some black people were attempting to break into his car, when he was alerted of it and he raced outside, gun drawn. He began firing at them all, killing one and wounding another. One managed to escape. The fate of the wounded would mark one of the most graphic scenes ever depicted on film, which was Derek forcing the man to put his teeth onto the street curb and Derek stomping on the back of his head.

Derek is forced to confront his hating ways in prison, when he realizes that he is the minority and there is no protection for him. He, through a lengthy series of circumstances, befriends a black man that he is on laundry duty with. Derek vows that he would do anything to take it all back and start over again far away from what he now represents. He learns that his younger brother is headed in the same direction, and he will not allow this to happen.

He is released and meets up with his girlfriend at a welcome home party. He asks her to move with her, but she refuses. He is also forced to face the man that taught him to be a white supremacist and tells him that this is no way to live. He and his brother leave, and Danny is able to finish the paper which you hear as the narration for the ending of the film.

The story ends with Danny being shot to death by a black kid in the bathroom at school. Powerful acting from Edward Norton (Derek Vinyard) and Edward Furlong (Danny Vinyard) bring this story to the screen and give it the perfect acting that such an impressive movie requires. American History X might be hard to watch at times, but it is a grand reflection on how people could be so confident in what they believe to be right.

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