Saturday, June 12, 2010

Male Bille - Movie Review/Akshay, Diganth, Pragna, Ramakrishna, Doddanna, Komal and Sharan

Director Mahesh Sukadhare of Sambrama, Sainika, Sarvabowma and Sidhu fame is back with a romantic tale that talks about sacrifice and love.

Anand (Akshay) is an irresponsible youth who always goes behind Anjali (Pragna). Anjali, on the other hand, is a smart and goal-oriented girl who wants to become a computer professional. On a fine day, Anjali looses 1.25 lakhs cash which was kept for her studies.

Disappointed, she decides to commit suicide and ends up in the hospital, but thankfully, a cop brings back her money. After five years, Anjali becomes a software professional and Anand has a job in a motor company and is still crazy about Anjali. Akash (Diganth) falls in love with Anjali and they both decide to get married.

The story take a twist at the marriage venue when the inspector reveals the sacrifice Anand made for Anjali. What happens next is the rest of the story.

Debutant Akshay has done a wonderful job, Pragna and Diganth have done their parts well too. Doddanna is fine, Ramakrishna is brilliant, Komal and Sharan have added charm. Director Mahesh Sukadhare's regular magic seems to be missing; certain scenes could have been trimmed to improve the pace of the movie. Debutant music director Manikanth Khadri has created pleasant melodies.

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